Understanding Asexuality and What Turns Asexual People On

Curious about asexual attraction? You're not alone! You may have heard about it before, but have you ever really understood what it means? Let's hear from 13 individuals who have had personal experiences with asexual attraction. Their stories are diverse and eye-opening, shedding light on a topic that is often misunderstood. To learn more about asexual attraction, check out some of the personal experiences shared at this link.

Asexuality is a sexual orientation where individuals do not experience sexual attraction. This does not mean that asexual people do not have feelings or desires; it simply means that they do not experience sexual attraction in the same way as others. Asexuality is often misunderstood, and many people have misconceptions about what turns asexual individuals on. In this article, we will hear from 13 asexual people who will explain what things can turn them on.

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Emotional Connection

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One of the most common themes among asexual individuals is the importance of emotional connection. Many asexual people find that they are turned on by emotional intimacy and connection with their partner. This can include deep conversations, shared experiences, and feeling understood and valued by their partner.

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Sensual Touch

While asexual individuals may not experience sexual attraction, many still enjoy sensual touch. This can include cuddling, hugging, and holding hands. Physical touch can be a way for asexual individuals to feel close to their partner and can be a source of pleasure and comfort.

Romantic Gestures

Romantic gestures can also turn asexual individuals on. This can include things like love letters, surprise dates, and thoughtful gifts. Asexual people may find that they are turned on by the emotional connection and intimacy that comes with romantic gestures.

Feeling Desired

Feeling desired and wanted by their partner can also be a turn on for asexual individuals. This can be communicated through words, actions, and physical touch. Knowing that their partner finds them attractive and desirable can be a source of arousal for asexual people.

Shared Interests

Many asexual individuals find that shared interests and hobbies can be a turn on. This can include things like playing video games together, going for hikes, or cooking a meal together. Shared interests can create a sense of connection and intimacy that can be a source of arousal for asexual individuals.

Non-Sexual Intimacy

Non-sexual intimacy is another important aspect of what turns asexual individuals on. This can include things like deep conversations, spending quality time together, and feeling emotionally connected. Non-sexual intimacy can be just as important and fulfilling for asexual individuals as it is for anyone else.

Feeling Safe and Comfortable

Feeling safe and comfortable with their partner is essential for many asexual individuals. This can be a turn on in itself, as it allows asexual individuals to relax and be themselves without the pressure of sexual expectations. Feeling safe and comfortable can create an environment where asexual people can feel open and connected with their partner.

Mutual Respect and Understanding

Mutual respect and understanding are crucial for asexual individuals when it comes to what turns them on. Feeling understood and respected by their partner can be a source of arousal for asexual individuals. This can include respecting their boundaries, communicating openly, and being supportive of their asexuality.

Emotional Support

Emotional support is also important for asexual individuals. Feeling emotionally supported and cared for by their partner can be a turn on for asexual individuals. This can include things like being there for each other during difficult times, offering a listening ear, and providing comfort and encouragement.

Affectionate Words

Affectionate words and affirmations can also be a turn on for asexual individuals. Hearing words of love, appreciation, and admiration from their partner can create a sense of connection and intimacy that can be arousing for asexual people.

Personal Connection

Personal connection is another important aspect of what turns asexual individuals on. This can include things like inside jokes, shared memories, and feeling understood by their partner. A strong personal connection can create a sense of intimacy and closeness that can be a source of arousal for asexual individuals.

Physical Comfort

Physical comfort is also important for asexual individuals. Feeling physically comfortable and at ease with their partner can be a turn on for asexual individuals. This can include things like feeling relaxed and secure in their partner's presence, and being able to be themselves without feeling self-conscious.

Respecting Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is a crucial aspect of what turns asexual individuals on. Asexual people may have specific boundaries when it comes to physical touch, intimacy, and emotional connection. Respecting these boundaries and communicating openly can create an environment where asexual individuals feel safe and comfortable, which can be a turn on in itself.

In conclusion, asexual individuals experience arousal and desire in ways that may differ from those who experience sexual attraction. Understanding what turns asexual people on is essential for building healthy and fulfilling relationships with them. By focusing on emotional connection, physical comfort, and mutual respect, partners of asexual individuals can create an environment where asexual individuals feel valued, understood, and desired.